Harmony 100 Series

The 100 series provides outstanding performance at a great price. The 100 series is our most cost effective way to replace your windows and let you start saving on your energy bills. If you are looking for a high quality, great performing Vinyl Replacement Window at an affordable price the 100 series is a perfect choice. Loaded with many “Standard” options the 100 series is built to outperform other window systems in its class.

The 100 series glass units are insulated and filled with argon gas, which is six times heavier than air. The insulation helps to greatly reduce the transfer of hot and cold. Finally, we top this off by incorporating SB70 Ultra Flect Glass coatings on the inside of the glass unit. This high performance “Low-E” coating blocks up to 84% of damaging UV Rays which can fade rugs, furniture, and artwork.

Kelly Windows provides a limited lifetime warranty on every product we produce.

400 Series

Vinyl Replacement Windows

500 Series

Vinyl Replacement Windows

300 Series

Sliding Patio Door

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